Saturday, 3 January 2015

First training walk

It was almost the perfect day to get out for my first proper walk today. At almost 22 degrees (Celsius) by midday it was, perhaps a touch too warm but it was lovely and sunny and if you hid under the right tree there was a breeze to be found.

Orakei Basin is nice and close to home and as we're still in holiday mode here in NZ, I knew I wouldn't have to fight anyone for parking like I would down at the waterfront. It also offers a fabulous mix of boardwalks, steps, shady patches, slight inclines and rewarding views.

The route weaves around the basin, beneath rather impressive houses, through bush, across water and along the rail tracks which takes travellers in and out of Auckland City.

Around a quarter of the way through you're rewarded with.....

...STEPS!! At this early stage I can safely say that I detest/hate/loathe steps. Be it one or many they are my greatest foe. I thought I was doing rather well until I reached the first platform when I suddenly lacked the ability to breathe quietly and as my gasps for air filled the air like the barks of a sea lion a familiar feeling returned and invaded my mind - the crippling thought that there's no way I'm going to be able to do this. How foolish of me to even consider walking 200 trails across the country when I can't manage a set of stairs 10 minutes from my house. But I'm trying some new tricks on this journey. Instead of walking with my head down just forcing myself forward, part of this adventure is to enjoy the scenery as I go and allow myself to stop and breathe and look. These walks aren't going to be a race, they're my chance to explore my corner of the world as I trek it. So I stopped at the first platform...and the second...and the third. I even managed a noise that sounded like "hello" to a friendly chap who bolted past me on his way down. And with a bit of luck and effort I might be able to make it to the second platform without stopping in a couple of weeks. Perhaps. Maybe.

By the time you reach the half way mark and the furthest possible point from the car, the boardwalk is a refreshing change of pace after the different levels of the bush and it's a chance to stop and try and work out what kind of fish are living in the basin, before I remember that I know absolutely nothing about fish and that I'm not fooling anybody by leaning heavily across the rail.

It really is a most amazing feeling though once you complete even a little walk like this. I don't know if fit, healthy people experience the same injection of confidence and happiness when they've finished a walk (or lets be honest, a run) as I can't compare but you forget the pain of the stairs and the embarrassment of tripping over your reluctant feet which is lucky otherwise this could have been the start and finish all in one but against the odds I find myself instead, looking forward to my next visit to the Basin.

My stats from today

And I won't have many excuses for what will be mixed results - but 11.49km/per hour is almost 4 times faster than a tortoise so there's that.

And my favourite track on the track today was BLAME IT ON ME by George Ezra

First day back at work tomorrow so the question is do I get up for an early morning walk or wait till evening. Such choice!


  1. One down! Good for you! Sounds like you did pretty well for your first walk and looks like you had a lovely day for it! Well done on defeating the stairs! Looking forward to hearing about the next one.
    Way to go!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I think tomorrows will be in the morning under the cover of darkness ;)

  2. Will you walk a little bit everyday as a training before doing the second of the 202 walks? Have you plan to do the 200 walks along 2015?
    Very pleasant to read you :-)

    1. The goal is definitely to go for at least a little walk every day with a break on Wednesdays and at least two longer outings each week in preperation. I've scheduled the first 'offical' walks from the book for February and have picked ones that suit my current level of fitness and hopefully they in turn will act as a type of training in themselves :)

      The walks will take some time as they include traveling around the country so it's something I will be continuing through till next year.

    2. As I told you I love this sort of initiatives! Very generous & positive in the name of your father and the other patients... AND healthy for you too! Great!
      Cheers to the upcoming preparations, travels, pictures, stories, beautiful landscapes, meetings and discoveries! :-)

  3. Love the blog--and the views are outstanding! The stairs are my nemesis, too; fortunately, I haven't encountered any on my fundraising walks. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.

    1. Thanks so much Karen! My legs are paining today! Stairs remind me of a quote I've heard about Golf....They ruin a perfectly good walk ;)
