Saturday, 3 January 2015

Here we go

Hi there and thanks for visiting my new blog!

Blank slates are always a scary thing to stare at, so I thought it was best to start with a little bit about how I’ve got to this moment…staring at an empty blog site imagining myself hiking effortlessly across 202 different trails.

Well firstly let me begin as I hope to continue - by being painfully honest. It’s not going to be easy. If it was it would be a very boring blog. I’m not athletic and by no means an ‘outdoorsy’ person. The thought of getting sand in my shoe almost makes me want to cry and getting wet in the rain magically transforms me into a grumpy sod. I am the most unlikely child of two camping, skydiving, bush tramping parents. Almost as if two magnets had come together and created their polar opposite. They did try to take me camping. Once.
But beneath the skin of this amenities-loving gal beats the heart of an adventurer. I just know it. And 2015 is going to be the year I break free of the shackles of these wi-fi hotspots and hot water showers and try to tap in to that. So I went out and purchased a copy of ‘202 GREAT WALKS’ by Mark Pickering ( without much thought as to what to do once I had it but the tingle of anticipation was there and almost immediately I realised I could use it in combination with another goal I have - raising money and awareness for people with Parkinson’s Disease.

One of those crazy parents that I mentioned earlier, my Dad Tom, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s last year. The time that’s followed since has mostly involved learning what exactly that means. How it’s going to affect him and how, as his daughter I can support him during the stages that will follow. It’s (like many) a scary disease and I feel at times he’s dealing with it better than I am but it’s changing him, we both know it and for me the feeling of helplessness as that happens is overwhelming. I’m not a doctor and I have no magical powers that can cure him but I need to help. My personal journey with my Dad will be my own. He wouldn’t want any light on him while he lives with this but my effort to raise awareness for the disease and support Parkinson’s NZ is one I want to share. So here I am.

My goal is to use Pickering’s book as my guide and walk these 202 trails. Not over a week or a month - it will take time. Some I’ll walk on my own, others with my friends. I’ll be writing about the preparation involved and each walk as it happens. Sharing the highs, lows and sand in my shoe reflections as they happen. And along with that we’ll be raising money through my give-a-little page in support of Parkinson’s NZ. I won’t be asking a lot as I know it’s hard to spare but if a few people throw $1 our way with each hike we should be able to raise a nice amount for them over time. I am literally asking for people to give a little.
As we get closer to our first walk on the 31st January I’ll post more information on the fundraising page.

So thanks again for stopping in - I’ll try to keep it entertaining and fun as I get up and out for Parkinson’s.

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